Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Man With The Green Thumb

Even after losing his balance and falling in the creek...
and breaking 9 ribs...

he had started the garden...

we added to it...
weeded it...
watered it...
and nursed it along, with his advice and help...while he couldn't.
Anyway, I went to Tom's house this afternoon because he said the beans were ready to pick.
And they were. And so were the black-eyed peas and the squash and the cukes, and oh, there's a cantalope that didn't make it into the picture. He's always had the greenest thumb I ever saw.
He's amazing. To look at him today you would never know what he'd been through.

He's driving, fixing his own meals, going to the post office. Word has it he's planning a trip to Florida. I'll bet he works a little fishing in while he's there.

He's tough, buddy!

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Cat House

Aren't they cute? And they're free!! Be the first one on your block to get one of these fine mousers. Hurry, while supplies last. They won't last forever!

Oh yeah. The big one stays.

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Monday, July 06, 2009

Typhoon or Squall?

Paul and I went fishing on Monday...
They said it might rain...
Sorta looked like it might...
Thought about suggesting we leave..
But it was a long walk, and, well, you know...

Thank goodness for bridge pilings. The sand blowing through
there would take your skin off!

By the way, the boat in the video below was a beautiful
red boat that looked new and the wind blew it onto the
sandbar there at Matanzas Inlet and they were still there
when we left, trying to push it off.

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