Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter Eve, 2008

He's big, he's bad, he's anti-social. He's got 4" barbs on the back of his legs and he knows how to use 'em. He's also protective but I don't think he knows why. He mainly knows I schoosed him away with a stick early on and he's never forgotten it.

In other words...I don't go in the coop. I'd like to, though, because I need to put some mulch in there to replace all the scratching they've done but I'm not going in there (see John Ray Davis for confirmation on this). Not while he's around. The discussion turned to sending him away today. I mentioned that it would be good if Brian Price would just come and get him and maybe replace him with some of his Banty hens. Brian dealt with him before, a couple of years ago. He threw open the door to the coop, walked up to Speedy, snatched him up and packed him under his arm and Speedy looked like he'd been had. No fighting, no struggle, just complete submission.

I don't have it in me but it doesn't matter because once he's gone that'll be it. We don't really need him anyway. He crows early in the morning ruining any chance I may have of sleeping in and he fertilizes the eggs which we don't need so...why keep him? I bounced it off Trixie...who said "Off with his head",

and Lollie...who said..."What she said".
I think they (Lollie) were more concerned with when supper would be served and when the condo would be painted. It's a dog's life.......
That reminds me. Bekah sent Joe to Boone yesterday. I know that was hard for her but I'm hoping that things will be better for Joe and maybe Bek can spend more time with him there. She's going to join the Appalachian Equestrian Club. She'll miss him here but I hope she'll meet some people there who can help her hone her skills. Thanks to Tim Bennett for his help!
As for Speedy, Trixie and Lollie?
I say, "Let them eat cake".
Easter blessings to all!
(He is Risen)


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Me & Ian
