10-11-2008, Download, Nita's Camera
Catchy title, huh? Really though, every once in a while I'll see a bunch of good pictures on Nita's camera and decide that I need to pop 'em on my computer. The problem is, they are usually accumulated over several days (read, "events"), forcing a "stack of stuff" blog post. So, without further ado.....
My previous post on Rache's 4H baking didn't include anything in the way of preparation so here's a few pics of that.
Ready to take to the judging....
About that. Kids are really something but a grandchild IS different. You hear that from people but until you have one it doesn't really mean so much. It's hard to explain. All I know is I like it!
Emma (daughter #4, sorry Mike & Sheila) and Ian. He had this tongue thing going while they were here. I think it had something to do with teething.
Brother Ty held revival at Clinchfield Baptist last weekend. Three men came forward and got baptised. Oh wait, Bro. Ty was one of them. That explains Pastor Paul up in the Baptistry.
Bro. Ty and Maid Bekah following the ceremony.
Can't seem to get away from that hamburger cake.
Tea party's are very popular here.
Mountain Glory. Rachel always helps me as I do my DBA duties. This year, Anna was here and was up early this morning so we drafted her to help too. We were there at 6:30 a.m. to help the vendors get set up, as usual. Rache and I have been doing this for many years. Freddie Killough says that she figures Rachel will take over for her some day.
Labels: Family, Ian James Kotronis, Kids
well.. i'm sorry.. but freddie is sadly mistaken.
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