Spring Has Sprung (mostly)
I took my first scooter ride of the year today. There it was, when I got home from church, beckoning. OK. Where to go? Mt. Mitchell? Can't go wrong there! I headed up Hwy. 80, past Lake Tahoma, Buck Creek, through Dead Man's curve, all the way to where it intersects with the Blue Ridge Parkway and there I took a break. There were some riders there and one of them was showing some interest in my scooter. He asked a lot of questions about it. It's a gas mileage thing! They call Harleys "hogs" for more than one reason.
From there it was on to Mt. Mitchell. It's the highest point East of the Mississippi River. It was 76 degrees in Marion when I left and by the time I got to the top of Mt. Mitchell it was 51 degrees! I had planned on a cup of hot chocolate when I got there but the concession stand isn't open yet. There were a couple of guys there in the parking lot who had come up on rice rockets and they were showing lots of interest in my scooter. They also asked lots of questions and wanted to know about gas mileage. One of them had looked into Burgmans extensively and knew a lot about them. He is seriously considering trading his 1150cc bike for a Burgman 400cc.
While I was there I got some pictures of Balsam trees. I love a Balsam. There's something foreboding about a Balsam forest, or maybe it's just because the only ones I ever see are on Mitchell and it's usually cloudy and misty and cool up there and so it just seems that way.
I know I've been in St. Augustine a lot lately so it may be understandable that I likened this growth to Spanish Moss. It isn't, of course. I don't think Live Oaks grow at 6400 ft. elevation. I'm not sure what it is but it seemed to thrive on dead and dying Balsam trees.
I took a bunch of pictures of plants that were blooming out on this trip. When you're riding, and you want to take pictures, you have to make a concious effort to STOP, when you see something photo worthy, park, get the camera out, shoot, put the camera up, crank up and go. It's a groove you get into...slow down, look...don't be in a hurry. Here's a few pics.....
Little blue flowers....
This picture was taken from about a foot off the Parkway.
It's Spring...
There should be some...Oh, yeah, that's what it is...Trillium!
This is a panorama of 4 pictures, stitched together, of a "field" of Trillium, but really, there were virtually acres upon acres of trillium between the Mineral Museum in Spruce Pine and Crabtree Meadows. I've never seen anything like it.

The shades of white and pink were innumerable, but the sheer numbers of flowers are indescribable and of course pictures don't do it justice. There is a short window of opportunity in the Spring to experience this showy display and I hope everyone can, sometime, see it. Here are a few pictures...
Labels: Motorcycle, Nature
All those gorgeous trillium remind me of our tromping around in the Nantahala forest looking for ramps. Remember? I'm starting to look forward to Standing Indian!
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